Wednesday, December 10, 2008

OTW #2

In the movie, there are three groupings of how people view a traitor vs. a whistle blower. One group is the Priest and Edy. They believe that if you know something that's going on that is illegal, then you should inform the authorities. This doesn't make you a traitor in their eyes, it's just doing the right thing. The second grouping is Terry and all the working people. They are the ones who want to tell on the mob, but are afraid for their lives. They don't really consider it being a traitor, but they know that's how the mob would take it and they don't want to anger the mob. The last group is obviously the mob. They think that telling the authorities automatically makes you a traitor. Their stance is that if you have info you better keep your mouth shut.
I believe that if someone, anyone not just the people I care about, are going to be harmed in anyway, then you should tell someone. It shouldn't matter what others think, it's what you think. Also, if your telling just for revenge, or to get someone in trouble, then it's tattle tale. If what the person is doing isn't harming anyone, but you know it would be looked down upon and you tell anyways, then I would consider that person a tattle tale.


Paige J. said...

I like how you split up the different types in 3 ways. Your definition covered all the opinions of the society. I agree with you that those who did know the truth were doing the right thing, but I think at first they thought that the people were traitors, but eventually they realized they were really moral crusaders. You did a great job with descriptions! Good Job!

Andrea L. said...

I thought it was interesting that you thought that telling on someone for revenge was a good way to define tattle tale. I never looked at it that way. Nice post!